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Being the Shoulder to Lean on: Advice for Supporting Loved Ones Through a Cancer Diagnosis

Written By Aaron Funnell

Edited By Kailash Muthukumar

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is a devastating and life-changing event, not only for the individual diagnosed, but for all the friends and family in their close circle. Those close to the patient often find themselves grappling with a range of emotions, from shock and devastation, to a general feeling of unease and uncertainty for what the future holds. During this time, it's important to provide support and comfort to those facing cancer, offering as much practical help and emotional reassurance as possible while also making sure to take care of your own well-being. There are a few crucial things to remember when you’re supporting people through these challenging times.

Image courtesy of OncoLink

Unwavering Listening

One of the simplest and most important things you can do to support someone with cancer is be there to listen. Offer an ear without judgment and allow them to get their thoughts off their chest and express their thoughts and feelings. Avoid giving unwanted advice or trying to downplay their experiences. Oftentimes people will try and console cancer patients by saying there are many others going through the same issues. While this can be interpreted as a gesture to show they are not alone in this battle, it can also be seen as minimizing their struggles. Sometimes, all they want is for someone to listen and validate their feelings.

Practical Support

Practical aid can make a huge difference in the burden faced by cancer patients. Offering to take them to appointments, helping with chores around the house, taking care of errands they are unable to, or even helping with schedules if they ask. Small acts of kindness can not only relieve some of the patient's stress and put more attention into their health, but it can also make their daily life more pleasant.

Inform Yourself

Take time to educate yourself on the type of cancer your loved one is facing. Understanding their diagnosis, treatment and pathway forward can make you more informed and better equipped to have discussions about the treatment. However, there is an inherent stress if someone has all the information readily available, including stuff the patient might not want to hear. Be mindful to not overwhelm them, make sure to respect their personal decisions regarding their treatment.

Image courtesy of Henry Ford Health

Respect Their Feelings

Everyone copes with distressing situations like a cancer diagnosis differently and it's important to respect your loved ones own coping mechanisms. Some may talk openly about their illness and even joke about it amongst friends to make it less scary, others might seek comfort in keeping their illness private. Not everyone is going to behave the same way and it's crucial that you respect their boundaries and let them lead in how they want to cope with their struggles.

Promote Self-care 

Encouraging and taking part in a healthy and active lifestyle will promote better physical and mental well being for you and your loved one. Doing so can really make a difference in the day-to-day life of the patient such as a pleasant walk lifting morale, or a healthier diet improving quality of life. Other things such as a better sleep schedule and frequent check-ins with counselors can also help reduce the stresses brought on by a cancer diagnosis. Remind your loved ones that it's okay to prioritize their well being during such a challenging time.

Celebrate the Small Things

Throughout their cancer journey, celebrate every milestone, no matter how small it may seem. Whether it be completing a round of treatment, reaching a personal goal, or even just having a good day. Acknowledging these moments of victory can provide the much needed positivity and encouragement to keep pushing forward in this journey.

Understanding and Being Patient

Cancer is a long and tiring battle, your loved one may experience a range of emotions; from anger to frustration and likely sadness. Be patient and understand that the way they are feeling is completely natural and okay. Offer your unconditional support and be there as a shoulder to cry on. Even having one person to be there as a friend in the toughest times can make all the difference.

Image courtesy of Rojave Oncology

Your Well-being is Also Important

Supporting a loved one through their battle with cancer can definitely be emotionally draining, so it's important to take care of yourself too. All the advice listed above can apply to anyone, its just more imperative for a cancer patient because of their situation. Make sure to prioritize your own emotional and physical well being and make sure to seek support from family and friends if you too are feeling caught up on negative emotions.

Supporting a loved one through cancer is a simple gesture that can make all the difference to them. Knowing that there's people out there who want nothing but the best for them during these tough battles. Educating yourself, providing advice and support during their daily life, as well as being someone to turn to when times get tough can all mean so much to them. Remember to only take on other people's difficulties and sensitive issues when you know you too can take care of your own needs, lean on your own advice and support network for strength and comfort. Together, you and your loved ones can navigate the various ups and downs of a cancer diagnosis journey and provide the love and support they need. Being a dear friend can do so much more than you think. 

Disclaimer: This article does not contain citations; rather, it offers personalized advice and qualitative insights devoid of statistical references.

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